Surgup LogoSurgup Visceral surgery – Dr. med. Hani Oweira

Surgup provides informative and educational videos on surgical procedures, health topics and more..

Surgup – The beginning of the journey

The Surgup Clinic was founded by Dr. Hani Oweira, whose career began in Germany in 2004, opened in the heart of Zurich and is a symbol of excellence in surgery. He worked as a visceral surgeon and specialist in surgery in Berlin, Heidelberg and Zurich.


As a specialist in modern surgery, minimally invasive procedures and laparoscopic surgery, Dr. Oweira at the Surgup Clinic specializes in visceral surgery, hernia repair and cancer treatment, among other things. Dr. Oweira’s commitment to using state-of-the-art technology ensures that each patient receives individualized and effective treatment.

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Surgup LogoAsk the Dr.

Ask your questions and get competent answers from Dr. Oweira

Popular questions

  • Description of your imageAre there alternative treatment options for my intestinal problems before recommending surgery?

    💬 Yes, in some cases, intestinal problems can be treated with non-surgical methods such as medication or dietary changes.

    Published On: February 12, 2024
  • Description of your imageHow long is the recovery time after gallbladder removal?

    💬 Recovery time varies, but most patients can return to normal activities within one to two weeks.

    Published On: February 12, 2024
  • Description of your imageWill I need to follow any specific instructions before my surgery?

    💬 Yes, you will receive specific preparation instructions before surgery, such as fasting and stopping certain medications.

    Published On: February 12, 2024
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Surgup LogoSurgup Medicine Blog

Discover informative articles and news on our medical blog, covering health topics, medical innovations and more.

  • Modern Surgery: Will Robots Replace Surgeons?

    Modern surgery has come a long way since the first documented surgical procedures in ancient Egypt. Advances in technology have revolutionized the field, enabling [...]

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  • Visceral surgery: definition, indications and risks

    Visceral surgery is a medical specialty that deals with operations on the abdominal organs (viscera). Modern visceral surgery has a long tradition, dating back [...]

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  • The successful operation that saved the life of a 90-year-old woman

    The inspiring story of Ida Schumacher's successful surgery began just before Christmas when she realized something was wrong. She was bleeding heavily and immediately [...]

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  • Hernia Surgery: What You Need to Know

    What is a hernia? A hernia is a bulge or protrusion of an organ or tissue through the wall of the cavity in which it [...]

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Surgup LogoMedia Reports

Some of the media reports published in local and international newspapers about medical news and operations..

  • Leading Medicine Guide: Dr. med. Hani Oweira: Viszeralchirurgie unter der Lupe

    Leading Medicine Guide: Dr. med. Hani Oweira: Viszeralchirurgie unter der Lupe

    Die Chirurgie des Bauchraums ist eine hochkomplexe Angelegenheit: Die Viszeralchirurgie betrifft unsere Eingeweide – und somit den gesamten Magen-Darm-Trakt. Ein Interviewbericht von Alexandra Pfitzmann

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  • Tagensanzeiger: Operation: Reiche Ausländer

    Tagensanzeiger: Operation: Reiche Ausländer

    Schweiz Tourismus will vermögende Araber und Russen für medizinische Behandlungen ins Land holen. Chirurg Hani Oweira erklärt,worum es dabei geht. Von Christian Zürcher, Tagesanzeiger. Chirurg Hani Oweira erklärt,worum es dabei geht. Von Christian Zürcher, Tagesanzeiger

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  • Blick: Psycho-Pillen gengen Leistenbrüche

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    Blick: Warum Wärme den Unterkühlten nicht half

    Stark unterkühlte Opfer sind oft in einem komatösen Zustand. Erst im Spital dürfen sie für tot erklärt werden. Chirurg Hani Oweira (38) erklärt, wie Mediziner gegen den Erfrierungstod ihrer Patienten ankämpfen. Von Christian Zürcher, Tagesanzeiger

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Surgup LogoPraxis Dr. med. Hani Oweira

For more information about non-invasive aesthetic treatments, visit Dr. Oweira in Cham and Zurich.

Seestrasse 510, 8038 Zürich

 Rigistrasse 1, 6330 Cham

Surgup LogoClinics

I operate as an accredited attending physician at the following clinics.

Contact the Dr.Oweira clinics in Cham and Zurich for further information about surgical procedures and to arrange consultation hours and operations.

Hirslanden AndreasKlinik, Cham

Hirslanden AndreasKlinik, Cham

The AndreasKlinik Cham Zug offers comprehensive basic medical and surgical care in a comfortable hotel atmosphere. As a listed hospital, we are open to patients of all insurance categories.
With 56 beds, the AndreasKlinik is a manageable size, which guarantees patients personal care and individual care.
My practice is located on the premises of the clinic, which is less than a minute’s walk away.

Klinik Hirslanden, Zürich

Klinik Hirslanden, Zürich

The Hirslanden Clinic is a modern private clinic in Zurich and is part of Hirslanden, the leading private clinic group in Switzerland. The modern infrastructure and the medical expertise of the doctors and employees have determined our actions and philosophy for years so that you feel completely comfortable.

Hirslanden Klinik Im Park

Hirslanden Klinik Im Park

The Klinik Im Park der Hirslandengruppe is in an idyllic location on the left bank of Lake Zurich. The clinic offers highly specialized medicine and state-of-the-art infrastructure.
Patients are admitted semi-privately and privately – patients who, in addition to highly professional treatment, can also enjoy the advantages of first-class restaurants and hotels.

Surgup LogoAbout Dr. med. Hani Oweira

The professional background of Dr. med. Hani Oweira

Kontaktieren Sie die Dr.Oweira Kliniken, um Ihren Termin zu vereinbaren

Dr. med. Hani Oweira

Specialist in surgery FMH
Specialist (D) for visceral surgery

Dr. med. Hani Oweira is a specialist surgeon based in Zurich, Switzerland. With over 20 years of experience in visceral surgery, Dr. Oweira carried out highly complex operations in Cham and Zurich.

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Contact Dr.Oweira Clinics to arrange your appointment

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Get in touch..

For more information about non-invasive aesthetic treatments, visit Dr. Oweira in Cham and Zurich.

Opening hours:  Monday – Friday: 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m